Empower, Enrich, Support

Parents & Guardians

apply to Cornerstone

Navigating the Admissions Process

If you're considering placing a child or loved one at Cornerstone, we encourage you to schedule a tour and begin the application process. We want your child to be in a safe, supportive environment staffed by qualified, caring professionals. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us. We're here to make the admission process as easy and efficient as possible.

Guidance & Support

Referral Sources and Admission Coordination
Our referral sources are hospital discharge planners, physicians, community service boards, and families of current residents. Families can also refer themselves for a loved one’s care. To help determine if your loved one is appropriate and could benefit from our services, we encourage you to contact our Admission Coordinator. Our Admission Coordinator acts as a liaison between Cornerstone, families, and referring agencies, ensuring an open line of communication.

Navigating the ISC Referral Process

  • In most cases, the referral process will include involvement with an Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC).  The ISC Agency conducts the following pre-admission processes:
  • ISC agencies will conduct pre-admission screenings for potential Ligas Class Members. This is to determine eligibility for DD services and to make sure that all federal and state pre-admission screening laws and regulations are met.
  • Assess individuals who may have developmental disabilities who want to live in a nursing facility.
  • Assess individuals who want Medicaid-funded services in a developmental disability setting and who are Medicaid eligible or are expected to become Medicaid eligible within 60 days.
  • Conduct and arrange for assessments needed to complete the screening process for an individual.
  • Determine the service needs for individuals based on assessments and evaluations, including the presence of a developmental disability, the need for 24-hour nursing care, and the need for active treatment for the developmental disability.
  • Screen for guardianship needs.
  • Educate individuals and families, present all options, and help with the service selection process.
  • Link individuals to needed services.
  • Complete all documentation to support the ISC agency's determinations and supply necessary information to an existing or potential service provider.
  • Provide 24-hour help for individuals, families, and providers.

To locate the ISC Agency closest to you, please use our DHS Office Locator.

Select "Developmental Disabilities Services" and enter your county or the zip code for Cook County.

Maps and contact information are provided.

Initial assessment of the applicant may include a visit to meet the applicant in their current home and interviews with his or her care providers and/or families to gather necessary information, including:

  • Diagnosis List
  • Medical List
  • Applicant’s Likes and Dislikes
  • Education and Training Information
  • Current Medical Status and Plan of Care
  • Parent/Guardian’s Expectation of Admission

Our Admissions Committee will review the pre-admission information and will determine whether the applicant meets the skilled criteria to be admitted. Considerations weighed by our Admissions Committee include:

Age Criteria

As a Medically Complex Facility for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (MC/DD), we do not have an age requirement. However, our Day Training Program has an age minimum of 18 years of age, therefore we give priority consideration to those 18 and over.  

Medical Condition

Individuals considered for admission and current placement must be able to benefit from skilled nursing care and a rehabilitation program. The individual must require continuous skilled nursing care and medical supervision for complicated conditions, chronic long term or recurring medical conditions, such as but not limited to:

  • Gastrostomy
  • Immune Compromised
  • Uncontrolled Seizure Activity
  • Respiratory Issues

Functional Dependencies

The applicant must be dependent in 4 or more of the following areas:

  • Motor Development
  • Dressing Skills
  • Grooming Skills
  • Toileting Skills
  • Eating Skills
  • Language Development
  • Productive Capacity

Behavior Considerations

The applicant must not require one-to-one care or pose a threat to other residents as we must ensure the safety and care for our other residents.

Placement Urgency
Considerations weighted by our Admissions Committee include the urgency of the applicant's need for placement.

Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) Meetings
IDT Meetings are held upon admission and at least quarterly to review the current care plan of each client. It provides an opportunity for the case management, nursing and therapy teams to collaborate on care, therapeutic goals, and discharge. Guardian will be invited to attend annual meetings or more often if needed.

Resident Advisory Council (RAC)
You are cordially invited to participate in our Resident Advisory Council (RAC). RAC is open to everyone who has a loved one residing at Cornerstone. The purpose of The Council is to review procedures for implementing resident rights and to make recommendations for changes or additions which will strengthen the facility’s policies and procedures as they affect residents’ rights. Participation in the meetings can be in-person or teleconference.

Our Parents Group
We recognize that having a family member with complex medical needs can be demanding. Our Parents Group provides an opportunity for parents, siblings, guardians and friends to meet informally to not only support one another, but to support their loved ones at Cornerstone. The Group has been instrumental in organizing fundraisers for capital equipment projects, volunteering with special activities, hosting staff appreciation events and playing Santa by ensuring each resident has something special under the tree at Christmastime.

Discharge Planning
If a transition to home or a less restrictive environment is possible, the Case Manager will coordinate with family, new agency and/or ISC to facilitate the transition to a new home.

We care about our residents as if they were our own kin. Their successes belong to all of us, and we celebrate along with them.”
Nell Eakle, Team Member